Quelle: http://dinbror.dk/bpopup/
Beispiele (jQuery.bPopup.js auf Jimdo-Webseiten)
- https://designtest-barcelona.jimdo.com/popup/
- https://designtest-barcelona.jimdo.com/popup/popup-gallery/
- https://designtest-barcelona.jimdo.com/popup/iframe-popup/
$('element_to_pop_up').bPopup({ follow: [false, false], //x, y position: [center, left] //x, y });Pop it up Example 2b, custom settings: Simple jQuery popup with custom settings part 2 (Sticky popup)
$('element_to_pop_up').bPopup({ modalClose: false, opacity: 0.6, positionStyle: 'fixed' //'fixed' or 'absolute' });Pop it up Example 2c, custom settings: Simple jQuery popup with custom settings part 3 (Jamaican popup, relax man)
$('element_to_pop_up').bPopup({ fadeSpeed: 'slow', //can be a string ('slow'/'fast') or int followSpeed: 1500, //can be a string ('slow'/'fast') or int modalColor: 'greenYellow' });
$('element_to_pop_up').bPopup({ easing: 'easeOutBack', //uses jQuery easing plugin speed: 450, transition: 'slideDown' });Pop it up Example 3b, transitions: Simple jQuery popup with slide in transition (Formula one popup)
$('element_to_pop_up').bPopup({ speed: 650, transition: 'slideIn', transitionClose: 'slideBack' });
$('element_to_pop_up').bPopup({ onOpen: function() { alert('onOpen fired'); }, onClose: function() { alert('onClose fired'); } }, function() { alert('Callback fired'); });
$('element_to_pop_up').bPopup({ contentContainer:'.content', loadUrl: 'test.html' //Uses jQuery.load() });Pop it up Example 5b, content: Simple jQuery popup that loads an image (Image popup)
$('element_to_pop_up').bPopup({ content:'image', //'ajax', 'iframe' or 'image' contentContainer:'.content', loadUrl:'image.jpg' });Pop it up Example 5c, content: Simple jQuery popup that loads a page inside an iframe (Iframe popup)
$('element_to_pop_up').bPopup({ content:'iframe', //'ajax', 'iframe' or 'image' contentContainer:'.content', loadUrl:'http://dinbror.dk/blog' //Uses jQuery.load() });Pop a video Pop an image Pop some text Example 5d, content: Simple jQuery popup that loads X content defined on the buttons data attribute (Content popup)
var self = $(this) //button , content = $('.content'); $('element_to_pop_up').bPopup({ onOpen: function() { content.html(self.data('bpopup') || ''); }, onClose: function() { content.empty(); } });
$('element_to_pop_up_1').bPopup({ closeClass:'close1', follow: [false, false] //x, y }); $('element_to_pop_up_2').bPopup({ closeClass:'close2', follow: [false, false] //x, y }); ... $('element_to_pop_up_N').bPopup({ closeClass:'closeN', follow: [false, false] //x, y });Pop it up Example 6b, misc: Autoclose jQuery popup (Notification popup)
$('element_to_pop_up').bPopup({ autoClose: 1000 //Auto closes after 1000ms/1sec });Pop it up Example 6c, misc: Random jQuery popup (You never know what you get popup)
Images for Popup-Content (...copy path)
PopUp-content - do not delete!
init event and append Element above to .popup-content
Use every Jimdo-Element as Popup!
append Element above to content1
b-popup scripts - do not delete!
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